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Should Data Loss Prevention be a Priority?

Should Data Loss Prevention be a Priority?

Most humans are conditioned to believe that it "will never happen to me". We like to believe that when it comes to things such as getting into car accidents, being involved in a major weather event, or even something as seemingly simple as losing your vacation photos to the digital abyss - we are safe from harm's way. However, we all know that car accidents happen every day and millions of people are affected by major hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like each year. Whether we like to accept it or not, potential digital data loss situations happen more often than we think. Data backup systems and recovery action plans are more important than ever. Having a solid system in place to protect your data from intruders, natural disasters, and hardware malfunction can potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars in the event that one of these instances does occur. No one wants to learn the hard way that they should've had a better data protection system in place - it's a lesson one never forgets. Before working with Insyte, Ohio Specialty Network did what any responsible company would do - they contracted with an IT consulting firm to put a solid plan in place to safeguard their data. They had been set up on a Network Attached Storage (NAS) system, which had been RAID configured to strike their data across three separate drives. This plan may sound okay to the average business man, but when the first drive failed - it was clear there was a potential issue. About a week and a half later, Ohio's Specialty Network's second drive failed. It was then Insyte consultants got involved and worked with the team at Ohio Specialty Network to safeguard their data. Insyte consultants quickly put Ohio Specialty Networks in touch with a data recovery center that specializes in retrieving information from incidents much like the one Ohio Specialty Network faced.

"Ohio Specialty Network had a potential data loss due to a crash of its NAS system but was able to have it recovered through the efforts and hard work of Insyte. We could have lost all our data it not for Insyte’s efforts and knowledge in securing the data and putting in place a data system that worked for our specific but unique needs." - Linda Derringer, Owner

Once all possible recovery measures had taken place, Insyte took all the reclaimed information and set up a new true dedicated physical server for Ohio Specialty Network. (Learn the difference between a dedicated physical server and virtual server in our previous post, Business-Class Virtual Private Server Solutions.)

The consultants configured this new server to have backups in place to be run automatically each night, and added a redundant weekly backup for good measure. These systems put in place improved functionality and allows Insyte to guarantee with 99.9% certainty that Ohio Specialty Networks will always have access to their data.

A company can suffer great time and monetary losses when even potential data loss occurs. Sometimes the recovery process can take days or weeks, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars - and no one is guaranteed to retrieve every piece of data in their records. Ohio Specialty Networks was fortunate to be able to move forward with everything in place as it should be. You will hear every Insyte technology consultant preach about the benefits of backups and recovery processes - because they've seen it happen all too often and the outcome is seldom a positive one. Protect yourself today!


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